Harnessing the power of strategy through strategic planning is one of the most effective ways to multiply a company’s sales, profits and competitive advantage.
In fact, when companies experience new growth and success, it can almost always be attributed to a shift in their strategy.
Yet, for all its power, strategic planning is often made far to complex to deliver results quickly. When you are in a dynamic market with aggressive competitors and short on cash flow, taking 6 months to a year to hammer out a strategic plan will insure your business is left behind your competitors.
I invite you to down load a free chapter of the book, Strategy Matters, in the box on your right. Inside this short chapter you’ll learn…
- How to tap into the power of strategy
- A simple-seven step process for planning (Once you know it you can think strategically in an hour or use it as a template for a strategy retreat.
- Why strategy can help you achieve goals and objectives and success that seem out of reach right now
- Why strategy is too important to be made difficult
- How to catapult your organization to the next level
- How to balance analysis and imagination
It’s a quick read, but a powerful, proven process to guide your strategic planning.
And best of all, it’s free. Download it now.